Sunday, October 7, 2018

How ICT can change the world for the better or for worse?

How ICT can change the world for better or for worse?

"Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community". Simon Mainwaring

      As a student technology and social media is part now of my  life it is very vital now for me because it help me a lot especially in my study. Not only me all over the world are using now technology to communicate with other people especially me because my mother will go in the abroad we are talking with each other using social media. Not like in the past they are using telegram or letters to communicate with there family love ones or there relatives . I' m so glad because of this . Social media can make our life easier.

how ict has canged the world

I.c.t has changed the community, because people are having there houses broken into for there gadgets like Xboxes, ps3s and phones. And people are getting fat by not going out.  , more and more people are losing jobs getting replaced by robots with automated services

Ict has changed this because when you are sick you go the doctors and get diagnosed and they keep information about you and if they spread your information to other people that is being unethical as well if you read the terms and conditions on auto trader  this says they will sell your information it has changed like when you sign up to sights like auto trader  on there terms an conditions they say that they will sell your information to other companies and then they will give you junk mail  as well as the government  with trackers and cameras aka the big brother society and they control  how the cameras move and that .

Digital divide
The digital divide is to have access to technology but not everyone can afford it this is also helping people bridge the gap  and in the northerhemosphere  we are privileged so we are slightly advanced this is also improving peoples lives  but there is also  a problem  the people who have mobile phones are getting younger this means there is more problems with theft and in Somali they have food to sell but they can’t  sell them because there is no web service

This has impacted society by people selling dodgy  goods on eBay ,buying and selling cars that could be stolen and your identity might be stolen . by registering with some site which sell your information , as well  as the playstaion hacker  he used it illegally to disable psn 

This is changing society by having self service tills and making business more efficient which means them paying less money by no having to buy paper all the time  and this means it is also causing jobs because of the tecnitions having  to come in and fix them if they go rong

Real life example  
My real life example is in enemy of the when they break into will smiths house and place  trackers in his cloths ,watch ,phone  and when he tries running from the law but will smith doesn’t realise that he had trackers planted on him and they made him have bad credit and made his family turn against him


Tuesday, August 21, 2018



Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.
Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. Multimedia devices are electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in fine art; for example, by including audio it has a broader scope. In the early years of multimedia the term "rich media" was synonymous with interactive multimedia, and "hypermedia" was an application of multimedia.

Examples of individual content forms that can be combined in multimedia
Still images
Muybridge horse gallop animated 2.gifAnimhorse.gif
Scroll switch mouse.jpg
Video footage


Definition - What does Interactivity mean?

Interactivity is the communication process that takes place between humans and computer software.

The most constant form of interactivity is typically found in games, which need a continuous form of interactivity with the gamer. Database applications and other financial, engineering and trading applications are also typically very interactive.

There are many software packages that run in the background without any need for input from humans or output to them -- that is, with no interactivity.

Techopedia explains Interactivity

A web browser is a common interactive program that most people deal with. During an online session, the web browser is the only interactive application that the user deals with. The code included in every Internet page defines a degree of interactivity with the user. For example, an online form needs input from a user and then it gives output in the form of labels that indicate the data to be entered in each text box or lists for the user to choose from.

Web based applications offer many forms of interactivity, including hypertext, which adds an embedded link to a text. Such interactivity provides higher readability and expands online applications to include video, audio and games.
Image result for interactivity


Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content.Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.

Image result for multimedia content

Basic Definitions: Web 1.0, Web. 2.0, Web 3.0

What is web 2.0?” We receive this question often. It likely has as many answers as the number of people using the term. However, since talk of web 3.0 has surfaced in the last year or so, an entirely new level of confusion seems to have set in. In this article, I’ll explain web 2.0 and web 3.0, and how they apply to your ecommerce business.
I’ll start with the challenges that cause people to think in terms of web 2.0 and web 3.0. Since these are buzzwords and not clearly defined terms, think of this as an attempt to describe the ever-changing web. I will borrow from Tim Berners-Lee, director of World Wide Web Consortium and the inventor of the World Wide Web (in 1989). His notion of the “read-write” web is often used to describe web 2.0.

Web 1.0

The first iteration of the web represents the web 1.0, which, according to Berners-Lee, is the “read-only web.” In other words, the early web allowed us to search for information and read it. There was very little in the way of user interaction or content generation.
The first iteration of the web represents the web 1.0, which, according to Berners-Lee, is the “read-only web.”
This was what most website owners wanted. They needed a website to make their information available to anyone at any time. I call this “brick-and-mortar thinking applied to the web.” The web as a whole hasn’t moved much beyond this stage.
Shopping cart applications, which most ecommerce sites use in some form, fall under the category of web 1.0. The overall goal is to present products to potential customers — much as a catalog or a brochure does — to anyone in the world. The web provides the exposure. It removes the geographical restrictions associated with brick-and-mortar businesses.

Web 2.0

We are now seeing the infancy of web 2.0, or the “read-write” web as Berners-Lee described it. It’s the ability to contribute content and interact with other web users. It has dramatically changed the landscape of the web in a short time. It has much potential. As examples, look at YouTube and MySpace, which rely on user submissions. Web 2.0 is a welcome response to web users, who want to participate in the information.
There are many definitions of a “web 2.0 application.” For example, there’s the perception that just because a website is built using a certain technology (such as Ruby on Rails) or because it employs Ajax in its interface, it represents web 2.0. But that is not necessarily the case. Web 2.0, for lay people, simply requires that users can interact or contribute content.

Web 3.0

This leads us web 3.0 (extending the vague nomenclature). By extrapolating Tim Berners-Lee’s explanations, web 3.0 is “read-write-execute.” This is difficult to envision in its abstract form. To illustrate, consider semantic markup and web services.
Semantic markup refers to the communication gap between humans and computerized applications. One of the biggest challenges of presenting information on the web is that applications cannot provide context to data, and, therefore, can’t understand what is relevant. Through the use of some sort of semantic markup (or data interchange formats), data could be put in a form not only accessible to humans via natural language, but able to be understood and interpreted by software applications as well.
While it is still evolving, this notion — formatting data to be understood by software agents — leads to the “execute” portion of the web 3.0 definition.
web service is a software that supports computer-to-computer interaction over the internet. Web services are not new and usually take the form of an application programming interface. The popular photography-sharing website Flickr provides a web service whereby developers can programmatically interface to search for images.
There are thousands of web services. Combining semantic markup and web services can produce a web 3.0 experience — applications that can speak to each other directly and interpret information for humans.

Not Obsolete

What’s important is that the naming conventions — web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 —  should not be taken too seriously. Just because a website does not employ web 2.0 features does not make it obsolete. After all, a small ecommerce site trying to sell niche products may not have a business need for users to submit content or to be able to interact with each other.
Image result for web 1.0 2.0 3.0Moreover, that small ecommerce site does not need to upgrade anything — get new software or anything like that. Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are abstract ideas. They describe challenges that developers (and users) face on the web and how to address them.
